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All you need to know about your dental implants in Playa del Carmen

Dental implants are certainly one of the most expensive, if not the most expensive, procedures that can be performed. The reason? Tooth implants require dentists to have additional training, especially for more complex cases. Plus, the materials, technology and time are more extensive than other dental procedures.

But, as you can see, the prices in Playa del Carmen for this procedure are lower and more affordable, providing up to 70% discount on each dental treatment. And, as we mentioned above, the quality remains high.

In addition, it is important to note that all dental offices in the city speak several languages, mainly English, which makes communication much easier if you are traveling from the United States, Canada and other countries. Also, excellent attention is provided.

For all this and more, Mexico is the best destination to have your dental implant in 2024!

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What are implants?

Implants are metallic elements that are surgically placed in the jawbone, under the gums. Once they are in place, the dentist can place on them the crowns or fixed bridges that will replace the missing teeth.

How do dental implants work?

The implant fuses with the jawbone, providing stable support for the artificial teeth. Dentures and bridges placed on implants do not slip or shift in the mouth, which is a particularly important advantage for chewing and speech. This adaptation helps dentures and bridges (as well as individual crowns placed on implants) feel more natural than conventional ones.

Step by Step

STEP 1: In this first step, the implant is inserted into the bone, leaving it completely buried under the gum. This will protect the implant from possible infections while the osseointegration process (union of the implant to the bone) takes place. We will wait between 2 and 4 months before moving on to the next phase.

  STEP 2: We will make a small incision in the gum to check that the implant has integrated into the bone and we will connect the transepithelial or healing abutment to it, which will be visible on the gum.

  STEP 3: After 2 to 4 weeks, we can begin to fabricate and place the teeth on the already integrated implants.

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